Friday, January 23, 2015


The dream is being realized.  A food ministry has been a dream of mine for a very long time.  A little more than a year ago, Arlington Heights United Methodist Church was introduced to the idea of food truck ministry.  Through the grace of God and the support of this congregation,  I was able to pick up the food truck yesterday.  I cannot begin to express the excitement that I am feeling at this moment.  It is humbling and amazing to see God at work.  As I look at this blank canvas of a truck, I see endless possibilities to be the hands and feet of Christ in our community.  Hunger is a real and serious problem in our world and right in our backyard.  We can make a difference by feeding the physical needs of the hungry, while at the same time building relationships and communities to allow God to use us to address the hunger of the spirit.  In Matthew 25, Jesus tells us how to respond to the “least of these” among us.  The AHUMC Food Truck Ministry will be a powerful and unique way to live up to this command.  Stay tuned for more information as this ministry is created and launched.  I am grateful to all who have helped make this happen, and to all who are stepping forward to help as we move forward.  It’s going to be hard work, but the harvest will be plenty.  Let’s get cooking!