God is Good!
As we near the first public appearance of the Five & Two
Food Truck, it is exciting to see God at work in this ministry.
We will be serving breakfast tacos at the Fort Worth Susan
G. Komen Race for the Cure on April 25th. This will be an excellent opportunity to
serve God by supporting this cause, but also allow us to share our dreams about
this ministry with the thousands who are expected to attend. I hope you can
join us there!
I was blessed to spend a few hours at the Presbyterian Night
Shelter last week taking a tour and exploring how we can best serve our
homeless neighbors.
- Currently the Presbyterian Night Shelter is housing 45 women and 80 children between the ages of 3 days and 17 years old. We will be partnering with the shelter to provide a meal to these women and children once a month as well as providing fellowship and guidance for the women and spending time playing with the children.
- Also at the PNS, there is a unit called Patriot House which houses 30 homeless veterans. We will also be providing a meal and fellowship for these men once a month as they struggle to get back on their feet. Both of these opportunities allow us to be in ministry WITH those in need.
- Many families at Cook Children’s are “long term.” As such, their finances are often stretched and it is difficult to eat affordably. Also, frankly cafeteria food gets old. We are working to partner with Cook Children’s to identify those families who are “long term” and will be offering them vouchers for a free meal at the Five & Two Food Truck which will be parked in the Thistle Hill Food Park at least once a month.
We are not alone in building the Kingdom of God. These partnerships allow us to work in
community with others to help share the love of Jesus Christ as we break bread
Jesus commanded us to “care for the least of these” in
Matthew. These are just a few of the
ways that we plan to do just that. Your
continued prayers and support are greatly appreciated.
Want to help? Contact Allen Lutes at alutes@ahumc.com
Want to help? Contact Allen Lutes at alutes@ahumc.com