Monday, August 31, 2015


Several members of the AHUMC staff traveled to Seattle this spring to be a part of the Inhabit Conference.  The purpose of this event is to brainstorm and hear new ideas of how to "be the church" in our local communities.  The term "neighboring" was tossed around throughout the weekend, and it is one that specially applies to the Five & Two Food Truck Ministry.  How well do you know your neighbors? What are you doing to meet your neighbors?  This is a question the church should constantly be asking herself. 

The Five & Two Food Truck ministry gives us a unique ability to take the church out into our neighborhoods ... and not just the one surrounding our beautiful church building.  It allows us to truly be neighbors in Como, on East Lancaster, in Ridglea, on Crestline, on the TCU campus, and on and on and on. 

When Jesus took five loaves and two fishes and fed the multitudes, I'm certain that neighboring took place.  People who previously did not know each other or were convinced that they previously wouldn't like each other shared a meal and discovered they were more alike than they thought. 

On Sunday, we were privileged to help our neighbors at Trinity Episcopal Church celebrate their Homecoming Sunday.  We served lunch and had fellowship with over a hundred of our brothers and sisters in Christ.  Everyone was excited about giving a donation because of the good work we are doing in building the Kingdom of God.  We're doing this Kingdom building together as we go out and participate in "neighboring." 

 Do you know your neighbors?  Do you want to share a meal with those neighbors you don't know yet?  Help us transform the world and build the Kingdom:

Monday, August 17, 2015

National and International News!

God is Good all the time and all the time God is Good!!  The Five & Two Food Truck Ministry is busy these days and others have taken notice of the good things that this ministry is accomplishing in building the Kingdom of God.  Here are some links to some of the articles that have been written about the ministry:{"issue_id":267273,"page":98

We are so blessed to see this ministry succeed!  We thank God for placing this ministry on our hearts and being with us as we share the gospel of Jesus Christ with our neighbors, even around the globe! 

Monday, August 3, 2015

Family Reunion

Sometimes I can't believe my own eyes.  The dream of this congregation for the Five & Two Ministry was realized, and every time I get behind the wheel of the truck, I am humbled.  We are making a difference already!  God is working through this ministry!  People know what is coming when we roll up: good food and people who genuinely care about them.  

We have had the privilege of serving dinner to veterans at the Patriot House and women and children at the Presbyterian Night Shelter.  Dedicated cooks at AHUMC have prepared well rounded meals to serve out of the Five & Two Food Truck, and believe me, people are loving this food!  

Beyond the physical hunger needs that are being met, we are making relationships.  The Prayer Shawl ministry handed out over 50 prayer shawls to mothers and their children at our first visit.  The atmosphere each time is like a big family reunion.  Adults playing with children, folks eating together and sharing their stories, praying with one another, laughing and enjoying the simplicity of fellowship and food.  

All a very real reminder that we are all God's children and should get together for a meal more often!  

There are many more family reunions to be had all over this community.  Thanks to God, we have a church "on the road" that can go to all of them.  I hope that you share our prayer:

For food and fellowship, 
For the miracles of the 
loaves and fishes, 
For hope and grace,
For being in ministry with
our neighbors,
Lord, we give you thanks.