Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Kingdom Building

What an amazing month September has been!  To date, the Five & Two Food Truck ministry has served over 3,000 meals.  We have had more than 50 volunteers from AHUMC and other congregations participate in this ministry in the last three months, and every time we roll the truck up for an event there has been a new face with a God is Good T-shirt.  The energy that this ministry gives both volunteers and those we serve is amazing.  We have achieved our goal of being a recognizable and anticipated part of the lives of our friends at the Presbyterian Night Shelter as we serve delicious meals, but also form relationships and pray together.  

We were invited to serve the lunch at the Justice For Our Neighbors national meeting in Grapevine, and were able to share our story with pastors from around the country.  As we all work together to build the Kingdom in our own special ways, it is wonderful to be able to share a meal together.

Rev. Amy Mercer and a group from Western Hills UMC in El Paso were our special guests at the Patriot House on September 17.  They are looking to start their own Food Truck Ministry, and were able to spend the day with Rev. Allen Lutes and the volunteers.  It was a wonderful day of discussing our passions for being in ministry with the poor.  What a miracle to see this idea of bringing food and faith to those in need through a food truck spreading!  

In the 9th chapter of Matthew, Jesus tells his disciples "The harvest is plenty, but he laborers are few; therefore ask the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest"  As disciples of Jesus the Christ, we are responding to His call.  The Lord has certainly sent laborers out into his harvest with the Five & Two Food Truck Ministry.  We are Kingdom builders together, thank you for your time, your prayers, your gifts and your service with this ministry.