Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Mouthful of Miracles

One of the beautiful things about the Five & Two Food Truck Ministry is that it allows us to build relationships with those we serve.  The Patriot House at the Presbyterian Night Shelter is one of our most highly attended events each month.  Our volunteers love visiting with these men, and the fruit of the relationships are easy to see.

God works in great and wonderful ways in connecting God's children with one another.  This past week, one of those connections led to many "mouthfuls of miracles."

One of our members is a retired dentist who works with Texas Mission of Mercy, an organization that provides free dental services to those in need.  Through our ongoing ministry at the Patriot House, we were able to identify 12 men who could benefit from this mission.  

We loaded up our church van with these 12 fine men and drove them to Dallas where they spent two days getting much needed work done, from full dentures to partials.

They all have beautiful smiles, and were among 99 veterans receiving care that Veteran's Day Weekend.

You see, God is Good, All the Time, and All the Time, God is Good.  

Thanks be to God!